Exodus 34:29-35 tells us that when Moses went onto the mountain to hear from the LORD, he returned to the camp of the Israelites unaware that the skin of his face glowed from being in the presence of the glory of God. At first, the people, and even his brother, Aaron, were frightened by this very strange sight, and afraid to come near him. As Moses called to them and spoke to them, they came back to him and listened as he told them about his communication with God. After this event, Moses began to wear a veil, but would take the veil off to go before the Lord. After the Israelites saw on each occasion of his visitation with the LORD that Moses' skin glowed, he would then put the veil back on. Scripture doesn't tell us that God instructed Moses to do this. Many say he did this because the glory of God on his skin frightened the people, or that the people didn't want to see this glory of God. But the verses tell us that Moses wouldn't put the veil on each time until after the people saw him and listened to him from his meetings with God. So why did Moses veil himself at all?
The Apostle Paul reveals this mystery in 2 Cor. 3:7-18. Paul says that Moses covered his face because the people could not stand to look at end of what was passing away, the glory which was passing away (v.7). What would remain after this passing away is the ministry of the Spirit, possessing far greater glory. "For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious." (v.11). The glory of the Law written on tablets was never meant to be the completeness of the revelation of God. The revelation was to continue unto the revealing of the Messiah, who fulfills the Law, and the Spirit. "How will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds more in glory." (v. 8-9) Those who refuse the continuing revelation are said to be wearing the same veil that Moses wore (v.14-15) - the veil that is meant to conceal the glory that is passing away. In fact, whether Jew or Greek, although Paul is speaking of the Israelite here, once we have placed this veil over our faces, only Jesus can remove it (v.14). Jesus provided the entrance through the veil, even His own flesh, to make the way by His blood to enter into the Holiest so that we might enter after Him (Heb. 10:19-20). Once the veil is in place however, we become "closed" to the glory of new revelation. It is a veil of separation, and not in a good way.
Even as Jesus was crucified, the veil of the Temple of God in Jerusalem was ripped open. But what did God's people do? They sewed the veil closed again. Are we saying that God's Word passes away, or becomes "old"? No, ALL scripture edifies, instructs, and corrects us. Neither do the Word contradict itself. However, we are expected to daily be ready to receive the new glories, the new mercies of God that are continually revealed through the Living Word - Jesus. No, the LORD "changeth not", but His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:21-24).
Even the manna from heaven, meant to supply the daily bread of the people of God as they traveled through the wilderness, though supernatural, could not be kept until the next day. Each day, the new manna had to be collected in the morning and eaten that same day. If the Israelites tried to keep the manna for the next day, it became worm-filled. The glory of the manna faded, and new manna was required. "Give us this day our daily bread." This was the prayer that Jesus taught. Each day has a provision from God to us: not only a physical provision, but a spiritual provision as well.
In fact, 2 Cor. 3 says that we can only be transformed into the same image of the Lord, from glory to glory, if we are willing to come before Him with an "open face", unveiled (v.18). The phrase "from glory to glory" in this verse indicates a progression in transformation, not trying to hide the glory that is passing away, but reaching for the new glory that our Father has for us each day. We are expected to go deeper, to go higher, to go closer, in our knowledge of Him. When we hold on to the glory that is passing away, it is because of our spiritual pride, a pride of revelation. As we hold to old revelation, the spiritual veil falls into place, and we are unable to receive the new, unless Jesus removes that veil from us. In the Body of Christ, separation, rather than unity is created by those veils of fading glory. From those revelations whose glory is passing away, traditions have formed, and doctrines have been set in place. "This is what the Lord revealed to us and we will not be moved from it!" But the Lord has something new to show us. Wouldn't you like to see what it is? That previous revelation was for our edification and glory yesterday. Father has new glory for us today, but we must come before Him with an open, unveiled face.
Our Father calls us to come before Him unveiled.
Special thanks to F.B. and G.S. for their thoughtful contributions that helped with this entry.
"Through The Veil"