Monday, August 24, 2015


submarine : the submarine under the water

I was reminded this morning of something the Lord taught me many years ago. When we are called by the Lord out of darkness and into His marvelous light, we wonder what place we have in the Body of Christ. I can remember so many saying that the Lord called them to be pastors, or prophets, or evangelists, and so on, but especially pastors. Everyone sitting next to me in church claimed they were supposed to be pastors. How could this be?! It was not my job to judge, but it seemed to me that many were coveting offices and positions that they weren't really called to. You probably remember a lot of this going on as well.
At this point, the Lord began to tell me the story of the submarine and the aircraft carrier. I kid you not!
He showed me a huge U.S. aircraft carrier sitting in the sea. Aircraft were being launched from its deck. The planes were coming and going from her. It's large crew were scurrying across its deck. It was very dramatic and impressive. You could almost hear the naval theme "Anchors Aweigh" blasting through the air! (Listen Here). The Lord said that some in the Body were like this aircraft carrier- certainly a mighty weapon in warfare.
Then He showed me a long, dark submarine. He made me think about the characteristics of this vessel. I saw it quietly submerge, going dark, and silent, disappearing beneath the waves. It could travel through shallower depths, even coming very close to a nation's coastline. It also travelled into the deep abysses and canyons of the oceans. It was designed for this purpose, to withstand the depths. Its smaller sized crew often had to spend lengths of time whispering, or not speaking at all, in order for the vessel to run silently. It "saw" differently, through a periscope. It "heard" differently, by the pings of sonar. It was at its most dangerous when you couldn't see it. It could stay silently submerged for up to six months. It could launch nuclear weapons. If all land and air armaments were attacked and destroyed, the last line of defense is the submerged nuclear submarine. But its strength is that fact that it is not seen, heard, nor detected. It is not a showy vessel, nor beautiful to look at, and you certainly can't launch or land aircraft on it, not even a  helicopter. When it runs on the surface of the water, it is not very maneuverable, but under the water, it can turn beautifully, rise and dive sharply and quickly. It is your worst enemy, or your greatest tool of defense. It is specially designed to fill its purpose. It is not as outwardly impressive as an aircraft carrier, but it is perfect for what is needed.
When I considered it, I thought, "Aircraft carriers are very cool, but it's awesome to be a submarine."
Sometimes in the Body of Christ we all want to be aircraft carriers, and indeed, I'm sure many are. But if you have spent many years feeling frustrated or unhappy because you are not being used by God as an aircraft carrier, may I make the case for, and ask you to consider, that it may be time to think about the awesomeness of submarines. I am thrilled and fulfilled, and so grateful to my Father that I only have to surface every six months or so. Since He showed me this wonder, I am so happy in the deep, and in the silence, "hearing" and "seeing" in the special way that He has equipped me to operate. Bless Him always.
You know that the Apostle Paul taught us in scripture that we are not all the same part of the Body, and each part has its own value and purpose. Each part needs the valuable gift of the other parts in order to function as a whole. Yet we still desire certain parts over others. This can turn out very sadly, and be very destructive.
The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and On against the anointing, and calling of Moses and Aaron is just such an example. They coveted the leadership position, and encouraged 250 of the best leaders of the Israelites to join in their rebellion. I would like to look at Korah's story for a moment. Korah was a descendent of Levi's third son, Kohath. Levi's other two sons were Gershon and Merari. The descendants of Gershon and Merari were given charge of the outer areas of the Tabernacle and court, the panels, curtains, frames, ropes, pegs, etc. that went into that assembly. These items were loaded onto carts to be moved from place to place with the people of Israel as they travelled through the wilderness. But the Kohathites were in charge of the inner curtains and furnishings. This included the altars, the lamp stand, the showbread table, the ark of the covenant. These items differed from the others because they could not be loaded onto carts to be moved. The Kohathites had to carry these things on poles on their shoulders. Not only that, but they could not touch the items, which had to be wrapped in special protective coverings (Num. 4). Touching the items meant death. So the Kohathites, which included Korah, had to shoulder these things on poles, rather than put them on a cart. Korah and others were dissatisfied with their place, and assignment. Though they expressed their resentment with Moses, they really resented God, because their roles were determined and assigned by Him.
Their rebellion ended in the horror of their destruction, as they, and all who were with them, were swallowed up by an earthquake (Num. 16). But Num. 26:11 tells us something interesting:
"Nevertheless, the children (sons) of Korah did not die."
The sons of Korah were not destroyed with their father. One descendant of Korah is the prophet Samuel (the descendants of Levi are listed in 1 Chron.6). The Sons of Korah fought alongside David, and were appointed by him as singers and psalmists in the Tabernacle, and Temple later. The Sons of Korah wrote 25 of the Psalms: 42-50, 62, and 72-85. Their Psalms express a spirit of great gratitude and longing for God. Psalm 42 is the inspiration for our great worship song "As the Deer Panteth for the Water".
Korah wanted to be Moses, and coveted his position. But Korah was a worshipper. God specially gifted and designed him and his progeny for this great purpose. How sad that he only saw what someone else had, and did not see his own great gift and destiny.
We cannot afford to live our lives coveting someone else's calling and purpose.  Our Father has designed each of us for a specific purpose. We cannot continue to reject His headship, and His design for us.

Our Father has designed spiritual submarines too!

"As the Deer"

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