Friday, September 6, 2024


      At this time of year, some of the nations of the world, who have the liberty to vote and choose, are soon electing their governments. This week's Sabbath reading portion, Shoftim, meaning "Judges", will give us an image of the government that the LORD has commanded for His people. We will then see how closely God's idea of government has been successfully carried out by man. The Sabbath title comes from the Hebrew word sapat, or judge, and means "to judge, govern, vindicate, punish, to act as law-giver, judge, or governor, to rule, to execute judgment, to pronounce sentence, to litigate, to plead for, to defend, to set up, to erect." Not only does the judge govern, as we would expect, but within the meaning of the word sapat is the meaning "to set up, to erect." A judge in the kingdom of God builds or establishes something that was not there before according to the Hebrew meaning. The pictographic Hebrew letters of the word sapatshin, phe, teth, could be combined to have the meaning "El Shaddai (God Almighty, the all-sufficient One) opens His mouth of strength to devour with sharp teeth the snake coiled and twisted in the basket." We will see that this is very accurate, because the government of God in prophecy will indeed devour the coiled, twisted serpent or snake.

     This is God's command regarding judges: "You shall appoint judges and officers in all your gates, which the LORD your God gives you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the (*aleph-tav/Alpha and Omega) people with just judgment. You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. You shall follow what is altogether just, that you may live and inherit the (*aleph-tav/Alpha and Omega) land which the LORD your God is giving you." (Deut. 16:18-20). 

     The concept of the just judge comes straight from the character of the LORD for the purpose of our defense: "My defense is of God, who saves the upright in heart. God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day." (Ps. 7:10-11). In another Psalm, it is written that God's throne is established in justice: "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face. Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your countenance." (Ps. 89:14-15).

     There was one man from scripture who placed himself next to the gate of the city while telling the people that no one from the king was available to hear their cases. He said that if only he was made a judge, he would hear their cases and render just judgment. By doing this, this king's son, Absalom, stole the hearts of the men of Israel from his father, King David. (see 2 Sam. 15:1-6). Sometimes people, both in and out of the church who have not been called to sit there, place themselves in the city gate and in the seat of judgment and act in such a way as to undermine the heavenly Father's Kingdom with their own personal agendas and prideful desires. Meanwhile, they judge after the flesh and not by the counsel or Spirit of God. Jesus spoke about the proper method of judgment when He said to the religious leadership, the Pharisees: "You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. And yet if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me." (Jn. 8:15-16). In another place, Jesus said: "I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear (akouo - to attend to, to consider what is said, to understand the sense of what is said), I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me." (Jn. 5:30). Because of this obedience and submission to the voice of His Father, Jesus, the Son, was entrusted by God the Father with all judgment. (Jn. 5:21-23). Do we as believers in Christ follow this pattern and standard of righteous judgment established by Jesus?

     Moses also told the people that for those whose matters are too difficult to be settled in the gate of their city, they must arise (qum - rise up, raise, stand, establish, accomplish, set up, erect, build) and go up (ala - come up [before God], offering, light, raised, exalted, ascend, climb, shoot forth, excel, to be taken up, a train of a garment lifted) to the place where the LORD chooses: "And you shall come to the priests, the Levites, and to the judge there in those days, and inquire of them; they shall pronounce upon you the sentence of judgment. You shall do according to the sentence which they pronounce upon you in that place which the LORD chooses. And you shall be careful to do according to all that they order you. According to the sentence of the law in which they instruct you, according to the judgment which they tell you, you shall do; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left from the sentence which they pronounce upon you." (Deut. 17:8-11). At this level of government, the priest was standing to administer justice as ministry before the LORD, not man (v. 12). Do priests and/or anointed ministers of God who consult the LORD form any part of our governments or justice systems? They are not generally welcome to participate in this way in secular government.

     The LORD foresaw the kings that would sit on the throne of Israel to govern it. He commanded that their part in the governing of God's people would require a level of righteous character. The LORD would choose the king, not the people. The king could not be a foreigner, but from the people. The king would not increase the armies (horses) for himself nor cause the (*aleph-tav/Alpha and Omega) people to return to Egypt to gain the military strength (horses) of Egypt. The king was not to multiply wives, silver, or gold for himself. The king must write for himself a (*aleph-tav/Alpha and Omega) copy of the Book of the Law before the priests and the Levites, read it, and be careful to observe all the (*aleph-tav/Alpha and Omega) words of the law and statutes. and to learn to fear the (*aleph-tav/Alpha and Omega) LORD all the days of his life in order to prolong all his days in his kingdom. (Deut. 17:14-20). Do those whom we choose to rule over our nations have this kind of fearful (awed) relationship with the LORD or with His Word? 

     The Book of Proverbs, written by King Solomon, describes a king who rules in just judgment after the manner of the LORD: "Divination/divine sentence (qesem/qasam - in this case meaning: divine, prudent) is on the lips of the king; His mouth must not transgress in judgment...It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness; for a throne is established by righteousness (see also Ps. 89:14-15 mentioned above)...In the light of a king's face is life (see Ps. 89:14-15 mentioned above), and his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain." (Prov. 16:10-15, excerpt). Do our rulers whom we choose contend for life?

      From another reading portion of this Shoftim Sabbath, the LORD spoke about the King that He would raise up in Jer. 23: "Behold, the days are coming,' says the LORD, 'that I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely; Now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." (Jer. 23:5-6). This King spoken of here as a Branch of David is the Messiah/Christ, our Jesus, to whom we look to return to rule upon the earth in righteousness and judgment. This is the government of God on the earth.

     This King, the Branch of righteousness of David, who brings the government of God, is greater than any earthly king, and is described in a section of Isaiah 52, a chapter which is included in this Shoftim Sabbath portion: "Behold My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high. Just as many were astonished (samem - astonished, desolate, appalled, stun, stupefy, causing horror, confounded) at you, so His visage (mare - appearance, countenance, sight, comeliness) was marred (mishat - disfigurement of face) more than any man, and His form (to'ar/ta'ar - form, shape, figure, appearance/marked out, described, drawn in outline, delineate, trace out)) more than the sons of men; So shall He sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths at Him; for what had not been told them they shall see, and what they had not heard they shall consider." (Isa. 52:13-15). It is interesting that as Isaiah describes the marred form of this exalted Servant, the Hebrew word ta'ar used here brings to mind the "outline, tracing or drawing" that we can see on the Shroud of Turin. However, this "outline" present on the Shroud, having very accurate details of crucifixion, has been proven not to have been "drawn" or "traced" by natural materials or means, but by some other force which cannot be identified nor duplicated. Many believe that the three-dimensional outline on the Shroud therefore may have been produced by intense light energy that would have been emitted during the resurrection of Jesus, which created a photographic negative on the linen cloth. The Hebrew language used here causes us to consider these things.

     As we consider government in this Shoftim Sabbath portion, we must also remember the prophecies of an evil, ungodly government that will be a perversion of the pattern of government (priest, judge, Levite) that God commanded above. The leader of this ungodly government will be empowered by Satan himself. The prophet Daniel gives us a glimpse of this leader, whom he called a king (see Dan. 11:30-32, 36-39) and the Book of Revelation, which calls this ruler the beast, reveals further details (Rev. 17:1-13). This evil government will persecute many unto death of those who are in covenant with God including those who carry the testimony of Jesus Messiah/Christ, and will defile with abomination the worship of God. These will be terrible days on earth. However, The Lamb of God, the Savior, Jesus, the heavenly King will return and overcome them (Rev. 17:14, Rev. 19:11-16). When the LORD gave Moses His pattern of His Shoftim government, it was a pattern established, set up, forever. Included in this pattern of righteous and just government, the LORD left no provision for Satan, or his possessed minions, to replace it. It is important for us, the people of God, to follow His pattern and understand the prophetic hope contained within it. We will see this hope laid out for us below.

     In another reading portion from this Shoftim Sabbath, the LORD demands that His people listen to the words which He speaks: "Listen to Me, My people; and give ear to Me, O My nation: For law will proceed from Me, and I will make My justice rest as a light of the peoples. My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, and My arms will judge the peoples; The coastlands will wait for Me, and on My arm they will trust....But My salvation will be forever, and My righteousness will not be abolished. Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, you people in whose heart is My law: Do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults...But My righteousness will be forever, and My salvation from generation to generation." (Isa. 51:4-8, excerpt). This is something for the judges to be declaring prophetically and establishing as a just sentence against the spiritual principalities of wickedness. (see Eph. 6:10-13). The LORD demands that we hear about the deliverance that He has promised and provided in His government that will stand forever against the government of evil. We can live, speak, and prophecy His government against the days ahead. It is an overcoming light for the peoples against the coming darkness.

     We have a powerful prophetic word from Isaiah describing the eternal kingship and government of the Messiah/Christ: "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this." (Isa. 9:6-7).

If you would like to know more about and learn to walk in the government of God, you can pray with me: "Father of Glory, You gave us Your pattern of righteous and just government to provide to all mankind a promise to save us from the plan of spiritual wickedness. Of Your government, Lord and King, there will be no end. We proclaim Your government in the earth and look to this precious promise even as the days darken. You have provided this sure hope for us, and You have given Your trusted Son, Jesus ("Salvation") to be the King of Your government on earth. For this "Wonderful" thing, I give You many thanks in the name of Jesus. AMEN."

*NOTE: aleph-tav written in Hebrew as אֶת, are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The meaning of the two pictographic Hebrew letters can also be interpreted "Adonai (Lord) of the Cross/Covenant". In the New Testament, these letters are translated as Alpha and Omega written as Α Ω , the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. These letters are those by which Jesus Christ identifies Himself in the Book of Revelation: see Rev. 1:8Rev. 21:6Rev. 22:13.

To consider additional information regarding the Shroud of Turin, you can visit:

Shroud of Turin




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