Monday, April 1, 2013


All life came from, and comes from our Father.

His Son, Jesus, said in John 11:25, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."
In Acts 3, Jesus is called the Prince of life.
In John 10:10, Jesus says that His purpose is the exact opposite of the thief of life, Satan. Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
Jesus revealed in John 5:25-26, that He received this power and authority of life from His Father in heaven:
"...the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.
For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself."

The life that the Father has in Himself, He breathed into the man He created:
"And the LORD God formed the man of the dust of the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being (soul)." Gen. 2:7.
The word for living/life in the above scripture is the word "chay". Its root meaning is:
continue in life, sustain life, live prosperously, to revive and be quickened from sickness, discouragement, faintness and death. To restore to life.

The life given to man from His Father included restorative life, or everlasting life. Jesus came to restore this same kind of life that had been lost to man through man's disobedience, sin, and man's choice of separation from the life of God Who made him. 
It was always the Father's desire that man have this gift of never-ending life from His very own essence and breath.

This everlasting life is not just attainable at death. We can walk in it now. In Romans 6, Apostle Paul talks about knowing Christ so deeply that we should walk in the new state of life, and we can attain the likeness of His resurrection. The innermost nature of Christ is the life of the Father.

If we want life to be part of anything and everything we do, whether it is our giving, our family, our health, our choices, our worship, we need to bind everything we do, and everything we have, in the bundle of life with God. And from that bundle, everything that is death is cast out (1 Sam. 25:29). There is no life outside of Him. He is the source of life that is everlasting.

Our Father is Life.

"I will Rise"

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