Jesus is called, in scripture, "the stone that the builders rejected". As Psalm 118 says, this same rejected stone has become the chief cornerstone, something the LORD has done that is marvelous in our eyes.
In Isaiah 8:14-15, the LORD warned Isaiah that He would be a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense. He said that many would stumble, fall, and be broken, snared and taken. The word for "stone" means both a stone to stumble over, and a building stone. One stone, but two very different results:stumbling and offense, or building and foundational.
The Apostle Paul saw the snare sprung when he told of Israel being taken in the trap when they did not believe the Law by faith, but attempted to fulfill the Law by works, from their own strength, and their own understanding. Why would anyone undertake to fulfill the Law of Moses, or any part of the Word of God out of their own strength and understanding? This is the great stumbling stone for all of us.
Jesus said in John 7:16-18, that those who truly sought to do the will of God, would recognize the truth that Jesus was bringing, because He only brought what His Father was saying. Those, on the other hand, who really wanted to glorify themselves, and do their own will, would not recognize, nor accept the truth that comes from the Father. In John 8:42-43, Jesus said "If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come from Myself, but He sent Me. Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word." The same word becomes discerned as life to one, and an offense to another. If you know God as "Father", then you know His Son as the Cornerstone of truth and life.
In Ex. 14:19-20, as the Angel of God, who lead at the front of Israel in their escape from the Egyptians, changed His position, and stood at their rear between the camp of the Israelites, and the army of Egypt, each side saw something different. To the Egyptians, He was a cloud of darkness. To the Israelites, He gave light by night. To one, He is a stumbling stone, to another, He is the chief cornerstone, the principle building block upon which all else is built.
On the day of crucifixion, when the lifeless body of Jesus was entombed, a large stone was rolled into position to close the tomb. Having received permission from Pontius Pilate, the religious leaders took Roman soldiers to stand guard at the tomb to make the tomb secure. The tomb was sealed, and the seal of the Roman governor and of the Emperor was placed around the stone. Looking at that guarded and sealed tomb, it would appear that the story of Jesus was finished. That great stone could indeed be a stumbling stone to faith in the Son of God. But that same stone was a building stone of the Kingdom of God. Behind that stone, Jesus descended into the earth, preached the Gospel to the captives of death, freed them and resurrected from death, as prophesied in scripture. Sunday morning, when the women came to the tomb, the stone was already rolled away, and the Roman guards lay on the ground as if dead. The angel announced that Jesus, whom they sought, was not there, but had risen from the dead, as He had promised. He then invited them to come, and look at where Jesus had laid. This same stone, was a stumbling stone to some, but a great building stone for others.
It should not come as a surprise, then, when we see that anything having to do with the Word of God, and of His truth, is offensive to so many, and yet is the very source of spiritual life to others.
Our Father is a Cornerstone.
"I Love the Lord/ I Go to the Rock"
You Are the Rock of My Salvation"
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