In the previous entry, we talked about spiritual food. This time, I would like to think about spiritual cups. The imagery in the scriptures connected to spiritual cups is very deep, and heavy to contemplate. On one hand, the spiritual cups are connected to judgment for the sake of justice. On the other hand, there are also cups for the purpose of salvation and redemption. Whole nations, individuals, evil spiritual powers, and even the Savior drink from various spiritual cups in the scriptures. Let us look at some references.
"Upon the wicked He will rain coals; fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup." Ps. 11:6
In the context of this psalm noted above, the "wicked" are seeking every opportunity to harm and kill God's people. The wicked are defined as those who love to do violence (v.5). As we will see, these cups of judgment are given in the face of great spiritual wickedness.
God also gives cups of judgment to His own covenant people to drink (Isa. 51:17), then says in later verses (v. 22-23):
Thus says your Lord, the LORD and your God, Who pleads the cause of His people: "See, I have taken out of your hand the cup of trembling, the dregs of the cup of My fury; you shall no longer drink it. But I will put it into the hand of those who afflict you, who have said to you, "Lie down, that we may walk over you." And you have laid your body like the ground, and as the street, for those who walk over."
When God is giving His cup of trembling to His own people to drink, it is not for other nations to take advantage of this by adding their abuse upon God's people. He has given the cup to His own people in order to bring correction and repentance to them, so that ultimately He can restore their relationship with Him. Those who see the people of God undergoing this correction, and use it as an opportunity to add to their sorrows, will also drink the cup.
The Prophet Jeremiah gives us a prophecy of whole nations and peoples that will have to drink judgment from the hands of the LORD:
"For thus says the LORD God of Israel to me: "Take this wine cup of fury from My hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send you, to drink it. And they will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them." Jer. 25:15-16
We may wonder why God judges whole nations. Because nations have ruled, and led the people in unrighteousness, many have suffered, many have died. Nations and rulers have responsibilities before God in governing the people. The first group that will drink this cup that the LORD has commanded to Jeremiah, are the kings and princes of His own people of Jerusalem and Judah. It is a tragedy for a nation when those who know God choose to lead in the same wickedness as those who have turned their backs on righteousness and justice. They will drink the same cup as those whose ways they follow.
Then the LORD names the other nations that will drink from this cup (v. 19-26). According to the translation of the names of these nations, they are not only natural peoples and nations, but evil spiritual powers. Their names translate as follows: "siege, distress, hostility, fire of infamy, fierce, greedy and harsh, exterminate, tear up by the roots, destroy, devastate, ruin, robbers, garments stained with blood, incestuous, inbred, knife, assault, bind, lie in wait for and hunt eagerly, covetous, lust after, contempt, despised, shamed, condemned, cut in pieces, to pluck or prune off fruit, sterile dry places, darkness as a result of turning away from the light, eternal hidden dissembler and deceiver, lurk, hide, hoard", and, an idol or goddess is named at the end (Sheshach) who represents the nation of Babylon, and is worshipped with licentious behavior.
We can see, from the names by which these nations are called, that evil in all of its destructive forms, has ruled over them. The LORD also says that "all the kingdoms of the world, which are on the face of the earth" will drink from this cup (v. 26).
God tells these nations and spiritual powers that if He makes His own people, the city of His own name, drink this cup, should the nations go unpunished? (v. 29).
Nations have bowed their heads to, and consorted with, these evil powers. God's own people have mixed with these powers. By embracing these evil principalities, nations have allowed, and participated in greed, death and destruction. One of God's twelve governmental names (Gen. 34:6-8) is "Just Judge". He cannot ignore injustice forever.
We have also been given a powerful picture of how these forces of evil and destruction have corrupted themselves, and seek to corrupt all of man. It also involves the drinking of a cup:
In Rev. 17 and 18, there is an example given of a cup from which a spiritual power gets drunk for enjoyment. This power has been given the name "Babylon" (confusion). It is so huge that it covers many waters. It is called the mother of all of the abominations of the earth. In its wine cup is the blood of saints, and martyrs that have been killed. The kings and inhabitants of the earth have committed fornication with this evil power, becoming rich on its wealth, and drunk on its wine. However, by the justice of God, that very cup with which this power becomes drunk with pleasure, becomes, instead, the cup of the fury of God (Rev. 18:3), and the fate of this evil power is to be destroyed in one day. The kings of the earth actually mourn her destruction, because they gained great wealth from her. A voice from heaven warns God's people, "Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues." (Rev. 18:4).
We have read above of the cups of judgment that the LORD pours for wicked powers and those who choose to follow them, so that He may establish justice for those who have been victims. Because He is the Just Judge, however, the LORD is also abounding in mercy, goodness, and truth. He provides for those who will so choose, cups of life and salvation. He is able to give us those cups, because His Son provided them for us at great cost through His own life. The prophets spoke of these cups. There is a cup of consolation (Jer. 17:7), and a cup of salvation (Ps. 116:12-13). King David spoke of a cup that the LORD gave to him that runs over with goodness and abundance (Ps. 23:5).
The Passover Seder prophesies through four cups of wine: the Kiddush cup of sanctification, the cup of deliverance, the cup of redemption, and the hallel cup of praise/acceptance/restoration.
Jesus fulfilled these prophetic cups as He and His disciples partook of them during Passover, including the cup of the new covenant from Jesus' own blood (Mt. 26:27). These same cups are available to all of us. How was all of this made possible? Again, it involved a cup:
In order to provide us with these cups, Jesus chose to drink another cup on our behalf. Jesus spoke of this spiritual cup that was purposed for Him to drink (Mt. 20:22). After the Passover Seder was completed, and just before He was arrested and crucified, Jesus and His disciples went out to the place called Gethsemane (wine press). The spiritual cup that Jesus drank at that time filled Him with great distress and sorrow (Mt. 26:37-38). Twice He asked His Father if the cup could pass away from Him. However, He drank it because He desired even more to fulfill His Father's will (Mt, 26:39, 42). This cup was a cup of "agony" (severe conflict and contention, a struggle for victory). So great was the spiritual struggle on our behalf, that Jesus began to sweat great drops of blood. These blood drops were of such a size and quantity that they fell to the ground (Luke 22:44). He survived this spiritual struggle because an angel strengthened Him (v. 43). He faced this struggle with no earthly help. Throughout it, His disciples were unaware, and unable to remain awake. They were not meant to fight this battle with Him, or for Him, but He had asked them to keep watch and pray during the ordeal. They were unable to do even this. However, Jesus drank the cup, and fought the battle.
All of these cups above, are of great spiritual power. They include cups of judgment to bring justice for those who are powerless, and to bring correction, and repentance to God's people. The cups may bring a last opportunity for souls to make a spiritual choice.
Still other cups bring us comfort, forgiveness, salvation, new covenant, communion and restoration with God. Let us choose these cups of goodness and mercy that our Father has provided for us.
Our Father has prepared spiritual cups.
"Cup of Salvation"
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