My grandchildren and I have begun a Bible study. I think it is the most important thing for them to have a knowledge of scripture. We began our studies in The Beginning, Genesis Chapter 1. I started here because it is the beginning. I also started here because I have recently read opinions that we should not discuss or teach Genesis creation, because it is a stumbling block to belief for most people. However, the beginning chapters of Genesis give us a wonderful spiritual knowledge and foundation. So, I thumbed my nose at the Genesis silencers, and we forged ahead. The kids found it fascinating. They pointed out that the Book title is "The First Book of Moses". I was able to explain to them that as Moses entered God's presence on the mountain, he received this revelation. In fact, he spent so much time in the presence of God, that his face shone with the glory light of God.
The first foundational truth we discussed is that God, as revealed in this chapter, is "Elohim". We find out immediately that God is a plurality from this name. We are introduced to the Word, Jesus, which Elohim spoke in order to create (Jn. 1:1-3), and we meet the Spirit of Elohim, who hovered over the void and deeply dark condition of the earth. The meaning of "hovered" is to fold wings around, to lovingly embrace. The Spirit of Elohim embraced and loved this mass of nothingness with its fathoms of deep darkness into the creative power, the Word, of Elohim.
We discussed that Elohim spoke creation into being, and how we also create and destroy with our words, requiring a large responsibility from each of us. "Death and life is in the power (yad-hand) of the tongue (wedge, slander, accuse); they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." (Prov. 18:21).
The fact that Elohim began His creation, or re-creation, by speaking light into being was also interesting to the kids and to me. As the created light (ore-light of life, light of a lamp, light of instruction, light of prosperity, light of day, lightning) of Elohim divided the darkness, we learned that light is always greater, more powerful, than darkness. We learned at this point that Jesus is the Light of the world, and He told us that we are also that same light. Darkness must retreat in the presence of light, and cannot overpower light (Jn. 1:1-5).
I also discovered and learned something from verses 11-18 as we read them. It was something I had not thought about before. I wondered why Elohim waited until the fourth day to create the sun, moon, and stars. In v. 11-13, on the third day, Elohim spoke vegetation into being on the earth. This vegetation must, by His command, contain the power of perpetual life. It must produce seed and fruit. This vegetation would eventually supply food for the animals and mankind that would be coming (v. 29-30).
Immediately thereafter, Elohim established the Light Cycle that would be needed to support the vegetation. One of the reasons He created the sun, moon, and stars in v. 14-18, was for the creation of seasons. Plants have a Vegetative Cycle, and a Flowering Cycle. For the Vegetative Cycle, the producing of stalks and leaves, a plant needs at least 16-18 hours of light, and 6-9 hours of darkness. This is the light required for photosynthesis to occur. This is the light/darkness that comes during spring and into summer. In order to switch from the Vegetative Cycle to the Flowering Cycle, to produce seeds and fruit, the hours of light and darkness must be balanced to about 12 hours each. This begins to happen as the summer season moves towards the fall. The hours of light and darkness needed for the growing cycle of plants must be regulated, and the sun and moon and stars provided this regulation of light. Various scientists did not discover the process of photosynthesis in plants until the 1600's-1700's, and it is still being studied and updated today (Calvin Cycle, UC, Berkeley). Elohim, of course, knew it all along, and showed it to Moses.
As interesting as this is from a scientific standpoint, I find it even more valuable from a spiritual standpoint. Elohim does nothing without also creating the perfect provision for it. He will create a sun, moon, and stars, in part, to support a blade of grass, or an apple tree. How much more, and how much more bountifully, will He make the perfect provision for each of us?
"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For after all these things Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Mt. 6:28-33
If we are struggling through these times, it is good to remember the incredible wisdom, knowledge, understanding and provision of Elohim as taught to us in Genesis 1.
Our Father reveals His provision in Genesis 1.
High Praise (Song of Job)
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