We have seen in recent headlines that the world has begun to question supporting Israel. Throughout the nations, anti-Semitic activity is also on the increase. Anti-Semitic marches were held in France with marchers shouting, "Juif, la France n'est pas a toi!", meaning, "Jew, France is not yours." Because of the increase in Anti-Semitism in France, many French Jews are leaving the country. The number of French Jews who have emigrated to Israel has increased by 63%. This increase in anti-Semitic/anti-Israel sentiment is not limited to France.
Scripture warns us that the nations will turn against Israel in the Last Days.
One of the most graphic examples of anti-Semitism in scripture is found in the Book of Esther. The main protagonist, Haman, is a counselor to the king, and deeply resents the Jews sojourning in his nation (Est. 3:6). He particularly despises the Jew, Mordecai ("little man"), who refuses to bow when Haman passes. Even though Haman has been promoted to a position of great honor, even above the princes of the land, he resents the Jew, Mordecai. Haman eventually convinces the king to issue a decree that would mean the murder of all of the Jews in the land (Est. 3:8-10). He even offers to finance the operation from his own funds.
The meaning of Haman's name is "magnificent", and it is related to the planet Mercury. The root meaning, however, refers to "rage, tumult, commotion". Like the planet Mercury of his name, Haman was closest to the sun (king), but full of volcanic fire of rage that twisted and marred his surface. He focused all of that rage toward the Jews of his land.
This kind of hate, like all other racial hatreds, is completely irrational, and baseless. Why should Haman, who had everything, and every honor, who was a confidant of the king, focus all of his resentment and covetousness upon this "little man", who posed no threat to him in the least.
At one point in the story of Esther, Mordecai is honored by the king for the faithful service he provided in exposing a plot against the king. His good deed had been recorded in the historical records, and the king came across it when reading those records one evening.
Haman is enraged at the honor given to Mordecai by the king. All of this irrational, resentful rage against the "little man", Mordecai, would lead to Haman's destruction.
As Haman heads home, after Mordecai's honor by the king, he bitterly complains to his wife, and all of his friends about the unfairness of the honor paid to Mordecai-honor he felt should have been paid to himself. However, it is here that his wife, and his wise advisors tell him a truth that we are amazed that they should know:
"If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is of Jewish descent, you will not prevail against him but will surely fall before him." Est. 6:13
Haman's wife and his sage advisors were not Jewish, and yet they knew by revelation the relationship the Jews have with God. If they knew this powerful truth as unbelieving Gentiles, what excuse is there for us, and for the nations of the world, who refuse to acknowledge this covenant relationship?
Scripture says that while his wife and advisors were yet saying this to Haman, the king's servants came to bring him to the fateful banquet where Haman's plot against the Jews would be exposed, and subsequently, Haman would be taken and hanged.
Haman's wife, who gave him the truthful prophetic word, was named Zeresh, which means "gold". She, and the sages who counseled Haman knew a truth that it would do well for the world to remember: If you set your hand upon the Jew, you will fall. The LORD has a covenant relationship with Israel, and with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which He will never forget, nor from which will He ever walk away.
"I will bles those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Gen. 12:3
This is a truth my own nation had better not forget, and it is a truth to ALL nations in the earth. I have also provided the French translation:
"Je bénirai ceux qui te béniront, et Je maudirai ceux qui te maudiront."
Our Father remembers His covenants.
"Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem"
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