For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all..."
1 Tim. 2:3-6
It is a very good thing to study scripture. Paul tells us to study to show ourselves approved. However, sometimes, it seems I can get caught up and carried away, even a little weighed down in the details, and it takes a special moment to bring all of it into a simple focus.
During a recent conversation, it was mentioned that someone had converted from Christianity to a faith that did not accept Jesus as the Savior. One of the people in this conversation asked sincerely, "How do you go from knowing Jesus is the Savior, to going back to being without that knowledge? How is that possible?" The question was directed toward me, but I never did get to answer it because the conversation went to something else.
More than even thinking of an answer to this, I was struck by the beautifully simple faith expressed by the question. Once we know this truth, how is it possible to "not know"?
The simple faith of this question says that Jesus is so part of reality, how can He then be erased from it? How this simple statement of faith expressed by the question, must touch and please the heart of God, who gave His precious Son for just this inescapable truth.
Sometimes as serious, studying Christians, we forget the many souls who know this simple truth, stated so plainly. Yet, this IS the Gospel. This IS the faith that saves. This IS the faith the size of a mustard seed, yet hidden within it is the great tree of the Kingdom of God.
At Christmas time, our Father invites us to a simple place of faith. He brings us to a stable to look at a baby. He prophesied this baby (Isa. 9:6-7), and He brought this baby, who is the Savior, Christ the Lord, to birth. Perhaps one reason why the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords was born as a baby was so all people, from all walks of life, could come and smile at the little baby born in such circumstances. The lowly animals were invited to come and see the baby. The humble, forgotten shepherds, who worked at night while all others were sleeping, were invited to come and see. The exalted and the wise from foreign lands were invited, even compelled, to come and see Him, and bring Him gifts. The old, devout servant of God, Simeon, was brought by the Spirit to see and hold the baby Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem. He rejoiced that he was allowed to see Him before he died (Lk. 2:24-35). Anna, the old prophetess, likewise was allowed to see and discern the Lordship of this little baby (Lk. 2:36-38).
An evil king of this world also sought to find the child for an evil purpose, but God would not allow the king to find Him. He was not invited to the event. However, we are invited.
A famous radio DJ would say frequently that he wasn't sure he understood or believed all of the details of Christianity, but he l-o-v-e-d the baby Jesus. He didn't just acknowledge the baby Jesus, he loved Him. Even if you do not understand it all, God has a simple starting point. Even if you have turned and walked away from knowing Jesus, this is the perfect time of year to come back to that simple starting point. Come to the stable, and see the little baby born, and laid in a manger. Smile at Him, and welcome Him into the world, and into your heart.
During this Christmas season, we can study so many wonderful things pertaining to it. Let's not forget the beauty of the simple, elegant, truth which it brings to man:
"Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord." Lk. 2:10-11
Our Father sent a child, a Son, to be born unto us.
"What Child Is This?"
"Charlie Brown Christmas" Scene: The True Meaning of Christmas
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