Thursday, February 21, 2013


"Appearances are deceiving."
"Don't judge a book by its cover."

We have heard these wise sayings many times, and they are true. But how often we go against that sage advice and judge things and people by their appearance. We prefer to join ourselves to what looks successful. We judge whether something or someone has God's blessing, based upon the circumstances we see with our eyes. But appearances are not the measure of the blessing, anointing, or presence of our Father.

A dream:
I was traveling in the car with my spouse. We were on the main street through a good-sized city. We came to an unusual building. I liked its design very much. It had rounded edges, rather than the standard 90 degree corners. But all of the windows had been broken, by thrown rocks. The building looked dark, empty, deserted.
We turned down a narrow alley that went along the side of the building to the back. When we reached the rear of the building, the alleyway opened up into a court. There were other buildings around this court, as well as the first building we had seen. But I could now see, from the rear area of the first seemingly deserted building that is was a church. The rear of the building was actually the front. There was light in every window on this end of the building. People, and robed clergy came pouring out of this church, as well as the other buildings around this rear court. They were all singing the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy". It was wonderful to see.
Something that had seemed to be an empty shell from one perspective, had really turned out to be full of life and glory.*

In 1 Samuel 16, the prophet Samuel has been sent by the LORD to anoint a new king over Israel. The LORD sent Samuel to the family of Jesse, in the town of Bethlehem. Samuel looked over Jesse's sons, and saw one in particular whom he assumed must be the one the LORD had chosen, because of his impressive appearance. But this was not the one, nor was it any of the other six sons of Jesse who were present at that time. The chosen king of Israel turned out to be the youngest whom was out watching over the flock, whom no one would have chosen based upon his appearance. The youngest son was David.
The LORD made clear to the prophet in verse 7, how He judges man:
"But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature (referring to the impressive oldest son); because I have refused him:
for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart."

Do not be discouraged if it seems that people have looked upon your outward appearance and misjudged your life. Your Father, your Creator knows the gifts, and purpose He has placed in your life. He sees the integrity and faithfulness of your soul, and He is not swayed by the partialities of men. The LORD looks on the heart.

It it seems that ruin has touched your life, or you feel that you will never recover from a loss, nothing is impossible with your Father, and in Him is life and restoration. Not even death could hold His Son, Jesus, in the grave. There comes a resurrection morning in the Father of Hope and Life.

*special thanks to "F" and "G" for their help with the dream.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me think also of how we misjudge our own selves like this. We look even at our own outward appearance, not seeing ourselves as GOD sees us, but seeing ourselves based on how someone else has, how our parents may have seen us, family members, co-workers, strangers, etc. Maybe GOD tells us, like with Moses, "You will do this and so..." And we say, "What?! Oh no way, LORD, I can't do that! I'm incapable! I don't have what it takes!" May we all see that resurrection morning by Jesus in our own minds about our own selves, our own hearts, our own bodies, etc.
