Tuesday, February 5, 2013


To whom does our Father choose to reveal Himself? The answer may (or may not!) surprise you.

"God is Spirit"
"...true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth;
for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."
                                                 John 4:23-24

Jesus made these amazing revelations about the Father, as well as revelations about Himself, in a very unusual place, and to a very unusual person in John chapter 4. With these revelations, He broke through traditions and racism that had separated people in the worship of God for centuries.
The unusual place of revelation was Samaria, in Israel. The people of Samaria were not accepted by the Jewish people, and vice-versa. But scripture says that Jesus needed to go through Samaria. The word "needed" implies a necessary action compelled by God to establish His purpose. It almost implies, by its root meaning, being physically bound into something. So His Father was decreeing strongly that Jesus must go to a city in Samaria."Samaria" comes from a word that means to keep guard, or guardianship, to keep watch, to protect in order to save life, to keep in memory, to preserve as loving-kindness, as a shepherd. So Samaria, by its very name, held a special destiny in the Father's purpose.
To the religious people of the time, this would come as a great surprise, seeing as how they held Samaria and its people in such contempt.
They would be even more surprised if they knew the specific person whom Jesus had come to meet.
After a long travel, Jesus sat down at a well. He had sent His disciples away on an errand. It was unusual that Jesus would sit alone in a town. But He was waiting for someone. At last He saw her coming. This was the person He must speak with. She was a Samaritan woman that He had never met before this. She was a woman, it is eventually revealed, who has had many men in her life, husbands, and some who were not husbands. But Jesus has been waiting for her.
He opens a conversation by asking her for a drink of water from the well. He goes on to teach her some of the deepest revelations of Who He is, and what God's purpose is. Things that He has never revealed publicly about Himself, He reveals to her. This woman, without a name in scripture, is given one of the greatest spiritual teachings by the master teacher, Himself. 
By this amazing encounter, the whole town hears of this special teacher, and comes to hear His words. They receive Him and they receive the truth of His words.
The Father had a special purpose to accomplish that day in a place the religious people despised, and with a woman no "repectable" person would be seen with. But the Father revealed Himself and His Son that day in Samaria.
In this chapter in verses 32 and 34, Jesus refers to the giving and receiving of these revelations "food". Revelation is not only "food given from our Father for our body, soul, and spirit, but revelation is also "food" for future generations to receive and to grow on.
Revelation from our Father is not restricted by the traditions and prejudices of man. Revelation from our Father is to whomever He chooses, to whomever will stop to listen, to whomever thirsts for Him.

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